Personal Data Request Form

Please fill out this form to exercise your privacy rights. If you do not wish to complete this form, you may also submit a written request to

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About your Personal Information

Whenever the Company processes your Personal Data by automated means based on your consent, you have the right to get a copy of your data transferred to you. This only includes the personal data you have submitted to us.

The information you provide here will be processed solely for the purpose of verifying your identity and residency, identifying the information you're requesting, and answering your request. Your personal information will be accessed by our database and communications designated staff only. Your proof of ID and residency will be deleted once your request has been answered.

The Company may also automatically collect general anonymous information related to your use of its Website, such as the date and time you visit the Website and the pages you visit on the Website, where you are located, or your country. USAGE OF COOKIES AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES

For details of the cookies employed by the Company, please see our Cookie Policy, which forms part of this Privacy Policy.

How we will process your request

We will answer your request or request additional information from you within 30 days. We may extend this process for up to two months, in which case we will notify you of the extension within a month.

The processing of this request is free of charge, but we reserve the right, as allowed under GDPR Article 12 (5), to charge an administrative fee under certain circumstances.

Please note that we may refuse to act, as allowed under GDPR Article 12 (2) and 12 (5), on requests that are insufficiently substantiated, unfounded or excessive.